Success Groups are offered to bring groups of like-minded individuals together.  These groups meet weekly on zoom and can be a great way to connect and work together! We are all stronger and better together!  

Success Group for Healthy Habits

This group meets weekly to set healthy living goals and discuss ways to remain motivated and accountable.  This is a 4 week series that meets on Sunday afternoons.  I'd love to have you share in this healthy living group for like minded individuals.  To join the next healthy habits success group email for the next start date!

Click on the handouts to get your copy! 

SMART Goal Worksheet  

Habit Tracker Worksheet

Accountability Tracker

Blocks Worksheet


A Workout A Week

Join my exciting exercise accountability group starting Wednesday November 8th! This group will be the last 8 weeks of 2023 year!

This group will include:

To sign up, fill out the google form and your payment on Venmo, $69

Do you have a suggestion for another success group or workshop? I'd love to hear it, send me an email.  I love new ideas!